Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!!!

I love you, my dearest Mummy
You are always the only one who I love the most
Though sometimes we had arguments or conflicts
Yet, we will get OK in a short time
I'm not able to celebrate the big day with you
So get to wait you come back from your short trip
And that time I get my salary
I promise I'll replace it for you
Happy Mothers Day...
Enjoy your trip with friends
Again, I want to say


母親呦 妳像月亮 散發出溫柔的光
我們像 迷途的羊 依偎在 妳的身旁
母親呦 妳的手掌 拍拍著 我們背上
為我們 輕輕的唱 讓我們 幸福成長

妳的愛 像月光 那麼溫柔又慈祥
在妳的 懷抱中 是最幸福的時光
妳的愛 像月光 給我溫暖和希望

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